hvis letters with dots


glass impact shot photoMembership

The Membership Committee is responsible for promoting membership in the Society, collecting annual dues and maintaining the current list of members. The Chairman and members of the Committee are appointed by the President in concurrence with the Board of Directors. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be a member of this Committee.

The Committee is responsible for ensuring that membership dues are collected each year and for keeping the Secretary-Treasurer informed of the current membership. Dues for individual membership and for corporate membership are set by the Board of Directors. Typically, dues for the period between Symposia are collected as part of the Symposia registration fee.

Society membership is promoted through membership campaigns at institutions involved in hypervelocity research and through the Society newsletter.

Membership Privileges

  • Ability to purchase former IJIE HVIS proceedings (as available): See Bookstore
  • Ability to purchase special (searchable) CD of original HVIS proceedings (1955 – 1964),
    to include AIAA Hypervelocity Impact Conference (1969): See Bookstore
  • Ability to purchase DTX/Ballistics and HVIS Database (searchable) of titles/authors/abstracts of previous International Symposia on Ballistics (1974 – 2005) and Hypervelocity Impact Symposia
    (1986 –2005): See Bookstore
  • Contact information for other Society members
  • Email updates and newsletters

Join Now!

To join, contact David Crawford by email (dave@cthguru.com). You will be sent a membership application form and payment information. Dues are $100 and cover the length of time from symposium to symposium.